torsdag, juli 09, 2009

Dylan om Dylan m.m.

Den som är intresserad av vad Bob Dylan tycker och tänker om olika ting bör läsa intervjun i tidskriften "Rolling Stone", det nummer som kom ut den 14 maj. Man lär sig alltid något nytt av en Dylan-intervju. Ämnet "Bob Dylan" verkar vara outtömligt.

"Anybody ever say that Duke Ellington was on a Never Ending Bandstand Tour? But critics apply a different standard to me for some reason." (s. 44)

"I believe that things are handed to you when you're ready to make use of them. You wouldn't recognise them unless you'd come through certain experiences." (s. 45)

"If Dylan had his way (...) Teenagers would go on nature hikes instead of watching YouTube. 'It's peculiar and unnerving in a way to see so many young people walking around with cellphones and iPods in their ears and so wrapped up in media and video games', he says. 'It robs them of their self-identity. It's a shame to see them so tuned out to real life.'" (s. 45)

[Om George W. Bush:] "The same folks who had held him in such high regard came to despise him. Isn't it funny that they're the very same people who once loved him? People are fickle. Their loyalty can turn at the drop of a hat." (s. 47)
Troligen sant.

"If film is the ultimate art form, them you'll need to look no further than those films. Art has the ability to transform people's lives, and they did just that." (s. 47) [Apropå de amerikanska filmer som gjordes under John Fords storhetstid - min anm.]
Troligen sant.

"'Scipio, the great conqueror of Hannibal, who says, 'I'm never in such good company as when I'm alone.'' To Dylan, this is ancient folk wisdom to live by. (...) 'A person's solitude is important'" (s. 49)

Det är alltid värt mödan att läsa en intervju med Dylan.


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